April 8th, 2024

My Experience With Nerdy

Hey, Frosty here.

I really don’t like doing this, but it has to be said. Before I begin, I want it known that I am just attempting to provide the facts (not opinions) and I do not condone any form of harassment. Do not go and attack anyone. With that being said, here are the facts.

This is my experience with Nerdy Nanny.

My First Encounter

From the very beginning, I haven’t had a very good experience. First impressions are everything and the first time I met Nerdy was through the Whiskateers. I don’t really remember text-based communications, but the first time I met Nerdy in VRC (and later added to my friends list) was during a Birthday party. It was Fizzi’s Birthday and Nerdy chose to get all the Whiskateers together to throw a virtual party and hangout session together as a surprise.

When I joined the world, I remember finding the other Whiskateers and Nerdy came up to me, swore in front of me, apologized, then promptly realized “Oh wait, you’re not the wholesome one, Otter is” before proceeding to say all manner of curse words and slurs in front of my face directly at me.

I was stunned, I was completely speechless, I had no idea how to react and I wanted out. With them being so aggressive against someone they had just met. From this point, I limited my interactions with them as much as possible because who wants to stay around someone who does that?!

The downfall of The Whiskateers

Since I stayed away from Nerdy, I didn’t really have much experience surrounding them. That is until around the time of the release of Hogwarts Legacy. Following is the timeline of all of the events regarding its release and the eventual disbandment of the Whiskateers. Had Nerdy not gone after fellow team members, the Whiskateers would most likely still be a team to this day.

Hogwarts Legacy

  • January 20th - I found out about Hogwarts Legacy and pre-ordered the deluxe edition. Excitement was high and I was talking to a bunch of peeps about playing it, even posting to Twitter. Nobody said anything negative about it aside from one of my mods, who shared a TikTok with me about how I’d get canceled for purchasing/playing it and labeled a transphobe. This kind of info did not appear in any of my socials (Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, etc), so I assumed that it wasn’t a big deal. The trans friends who had seen that I was excited didn’t say anything negative about me playing or streaming the game.
  • January 24th - The same mod who brought up the TikTok video brought up another one. I ended up going to YouTube and watched the following videos from Asmongold (https://youtu.be/D2535ngdU28 and https://youtu.be/vPG3LbJ6woY). I paid no additional heed to the matter and the politics surrounding the game still did not enter/flood the socials I consumed.
  • February 7th, 1:00 PM MST - Hogwarts Legacy released for Deluxe Edition purchasers
  • February 7th, 7:40 PM MST - I started streaming Hogwarts Legacy
  • February 8th, 12:21 AM MST - Nerdy plead with the Whiskateers to not stream the game
    The screenshot of Nerdy's plea to not stream it was taken right after I had ended my first Hogwarts Legacy stream at 1:40 AM. The time of Nerdy's message was at 12:21 AM
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  • February 8th, 1:40 AM MST - I ended my stream and was starting to wind down for the night
  • February 8th, 1:58 AM MST - I saw a ping in the Whiskateers and went to go read it. It was Nerdy pleading the team to not stream Hogwarts Legacy and “50 new messages”. I was too tired and had work in the morning, so I ignored the message for now with plans to read it the next day.
  • February 8th, ~8 AM MST - I woke up and began my work day, focusing on my tasks.
  • February 8th, 4:30 PM MST - I got off work and rebooted my PC (saving all the stuff needing saving) as my PC had been acting funky the day before (Apparently Windows doesn’t like running for 24-ish days in a row without shutting down).
  • February 8th, ~5 PM MST - My mother texted me and informed me that they were making Korean BBQ and invited me to dinner, so I left to go eat food after my PC successfully booted up. Parked in my parents driveway, ate dinner (it was super delicious!), then my mother had to leave and I had parked in the way. I figured that this would be the best time to head home anyways.
  • February 8th, ~7 PM MST - Get home, walk in the door and as I’m walking up the stairs, I get a DM from Nerdy. I figured, “Oh, this must be about their message from last night, making sure that everyone read their message”. Open the DM and read “Did y’all know at the end of Hogwarts Legacy […]”. A spoiler with no spoiler tags. This ticked me off. Their status at the time said, “I’m petty.” and I thought, “you know what? I can be petty too” and got ready to stream anyways instead of reading what they (and everyone else) posted in the Whiskateers. Nerdy was the first person in about 12 years to actually make me angry.
    "I'm petty."
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    Screenshot of DMs between Nerdy and I, beginning with Nerdy attempting to spoil Hogwarts Legacy.
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  • February 8th, 7:54 PM MST - I started streaming Hogwarts Legacy, which I may not have done had I read Nerdy’s plea in the Whiskateers Discord and they hadn’t attempted to spoil the game for me. However, I was angry and thinking irrationally.
  • February 9th, 12:30 AM MST - Ended stream late again, no problems during stream (at all), went to bed shortly afterwards

The collapse of the Whiskateers

Don’t have times for this stuff as it happened in the Whiskateers server where I no longer have any access or guarantee that the messages still exist

During February 9th, I was completely stunned. I wasn’t able to get any work done as I was reading and digesting the arguments that were unfolding in the Whiskateers between the other members.

Apparently I wasn’t the only one who had been DM’d spoilers to the game. This effectively led to the entire team falling apart.

Nerdy posting to Twitter/X, bragging about being a jerk to others.
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The following day on February 10th, I tried to tell Otter that I would not stream Hogwarts Legacy to Twitch due to the politics, but I made a mistake in my communication and hurt Otter. I apologized, however, the damage had been done, causing Otter to leave the server to get away from it all. I could not live with the fact that I had hurt Otter and had subsequently changed my Discord status to “kill me now” and left the server.

A comment from me on February 10th, 2023, asking others to drop the topic of Hogwarts Legacy.
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By the time I had left, Olly, Nerdy, Echo, and Otter had left before me, making me the 5th person to leave the server. I took both hurting Otter and the dissolving of the Whiskateers personally and had to remove myself from Discord to prevent myself from going deeper down a path towards self-harm. A couple times I logged in to my account to grab things and I saw 20+ then 30+ unread DMs.

An announcement posted in my discord server on February 16th, revealing that I was not feeling well after the whole Whiskateers situation.
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I was terrified that the DMs were going to be telling me that I was a terrible person and that all the bad things that happened were my fault, leading me to a further depressed state. I planned to read everything in March so that whatever DMs I had received would not bring my mood down and cause the collabs I had scheduled to rescheduled/canceled.

A message that I had sent after I had finally returned to my primary Discord account on February 20th.
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On Valentines day, however, I resubbed to Fizzi at 50 months and he said to give me some hearts (relevant Twitch clip). This gave me confidence to return to discord sooner than I had planned, so I scheduled my return to be Monday, the day after the Plate Up! collab that had been rescheduled (and it got rescheduled again anyways, but not because of me this time).

Allegations of being a Transphobe

A short while after this, I received an urgent DM from a friend on February 21st, requesting a talk. They called me over voice and it was at this point in time that I found out someone was making accusations that I was a transphobe. Accusing me of being a Transphobe is equivalent to attacking me as a person. I hate discrimination of any kind. I believe that everyone should have an equal opportunity to succeed and that we should work together to make each other’s lives better. Everyone who knows me knows that I wouldn’t intentionally hurt others. That I care for people. And that I do my best to stand up for what’s morally right. The friend who reached out to me knew this, and we both viewed the whole transphobe thing as a serious accusation. They reached out to me to clarify what was going on because “This doesn’t sound like you, Frosty” and as soon as I mentioned Nerdy in my story to them (I didn’t get very far into the story), they instantly knew that the entire accusation was a load of bull crap and dropped the conversation.

Final Thoughts

Nerdy and I could have been friends if they had only treated me differently. But their actions have not only caused me emotional and monetary harm, but they have also caused (both directly and indirectly) harm to others. After hearing what others have said about their own personal experiences, I can tell that Nerdy is definitely not a nice person. They’ve actively torn down potential life-long friendships over drama. In my case, it was over a stupid video game and the politics surrounding it. Nerdy could have been nice and politely asked. They could have chosen to give people the benefit of the doubt that they didn’t know about the politics and asked people kindly to not stream the game before DMing others with ill intent. But no, they chose to make some of the worst decisions possible, destroying friendships and the entire Whiskateers stream team in the process. Not once have they ever been truly apologetic towards me and the team. Others (including myself) have apologized when we realize that we’ve messed up. When emotions run high, we make mistakes. For those mistakes, I have apologized where appropriate. I haven’t seen a single apology authentic from Nerdy.

With that all being said, I’m glad to finally have the opportunity to get this all off my chest. To let others know the truth behind what really happened. I wish I was still a part of the Whiskateers, but that ship has long since sailed.

At this point in time, I’ve said my peace. Facts have been relayed, my statement has been made. Nerdy and I have each other blocked and with this statement, I’m looking forward to never having to tell or relive this experience ever again. I can finally move on with the baggage gone.

Statement Appendix

My experience is far from the only one, and it’s certainly not the worst. It still hit me pretty hard personally and caused me to struggle a bit with depression and take time away from streaming in general. If you want to see the experiences of others (which I highly recommend to get a broader understanding of what’s happened), I’ve left the links to their statements as I come across them.